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sap signavio process intelligence suite - metrics
A Product Discovery exercise was conducted by the team at AND Digital before the formation of the Metrics team at Signavio. There were two personas considered -
Metric Creator who was able to generate custom metrics though code and analyse the end user's business process through Investigations.
Metric Consumer who was the end user - typically a Process Owner or Manager who could possibly create Investigations but in most cases would study the reports created by the data analyst.
UX Research - Interview notes / data synthesis / summary
existing metric collection:
search / sort / filter not available
existing metric library:
no preview available
As part of Ideation, I facilitated workshops - Brainwriting & Crazy-8 where the team was able to share their ideas on how we can solve the issues discovered during UX research.
Developers were involved in early discussions and ideation sessions so that the approach would be user-centric and we could also understand the opportunities / constraints from a technical point of view.
This was followed by prioritising the ideas and generating groups of related issues into different epics. Some of the solution approaches are mentioned below.
brainwriting workshop:
prioritization of pain-points
userflow: metric progression
updated metric collection
preview in metric library
In update of the design shown above, the metric result and an option to modify the code was also released. The design itself is not available for display - however the details are as follows.
In order to improve upon the usefulness and usability of the Metric library, the user should be able to add a metric into the collection so that it is valid. This required a redesign of the input component where additional code would be entered based on the dataset uploaded by the user - called a "Variable". A multitude of options were considered where the user would be able to select from a list of default variable or add their own custom variable which would result in a valid metric.
The final option chosen was an auto-complete which would satisfy both of the required options. This new variation of the input component was tested with users and implemented once we were sure that the userflow was clear and discoverable.