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LinkedIn Job Application Status
Time period
Sketch | Miro
1 week
UX Research | JTBD| User Flow | Wireframing | UI Design | Prototyping
Project Overview
LinkedIn is one of the most popular online communities for professionals. It has connected over 575 million users across the world and helped in networking and finding jobs.

While the job search works very well on LinkedIn with lots of companies posting roles online, it lacks in providing information for users once they have applied for a job. Hence most users will not be able to communicate with the company other than following up on emails.

This project is about adding a feature on LinkedIn by which users can track their job applications and communicate with companies on a single platform.
UX Research
  • 85% of the interviewees use the job search and application aspect of LinkedIn apart from networking
  • LinkedIn users are currently not able to track their job applications after they have applied to a posting
  • Users would like to know the various stages of their application — viewing and acceptance of the application by the concerned company, interview schedules and result of the same
  • Analysis and smart views of the applied jobs is also another aspect desired by users
The Process
Jobs-to-be-done (JTBD) is a very interesting concept of approaching product design. The idea behind JTBD is to understand the goal that a user is trying to achieve.

The user’s main concern is to complete a particular task and they will employ a product/service that would best help them in achieving the desired result.

This shifts the focus of a designer from designing for a particular target group of users to helping the users achieve their main job.
JTBD Statement
  • The main Job-To-Be-Done is to find a well suited job through the LinkedIn job search.
  • An important functional aspect would be to apply to jobs and track the progress.
  • A related emotional / personal job is to receive timely updates of the job application so the user is stress-free during his/her job search.
  • A related emotional / social job is to be able to communicate with the companies on a single platform and not have to manually search through multiple emails and notes to keep track of their progress.

UI Design

The design system is minimal and follows the colours and typography of the existing LinkedIn platform.

Going Ahead...
  • Create an interface on a user’s profile where they will be able to analyse the status of all the jobs they have applied for — to help with the organization of their job search
  • An interface for recruiters to track and analyse the candidates


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